Mission of the MBCA

"To Promote Basketball in the State of Missouri"




We’re about promoting our state’s players….

·  Official sponsor of the Mr. & Miss Show-Me Basketball Award

·  Official sponsor of the Missouri Special Olympics Mr. & Miss SOMO Basketball Award

· Annual Norm Stewart Classic High School Classic held at Columbia College

·  An annual All-State team

·  Missouri Challenge Tournament. Senior teams Girls and Boys from each District

·  Academic All-State Player of the Year Award and Scholarship

·  An annual Academic All-State team honored with their own banquet

·  Annual All-District teams covering each and every region of the state


We’re about getting the word out about our state’s coaches…

·  Special wing of the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame honoring basketball coaching Hall of Famers

· Annual Richard Fairchild Coach of the Year

·  Annual District Coaches of the Year

·  Annual Cub Martin Assistant Coach of the Year Award


We’re about making coaching basketball a special endeavor in Missouri …

   · Sponsoring an MBCA brunch each year at the Men's & Women's NCAA Final Four

· MBCA Coaches Clinic held at Columbia College

·  Over 3300 coaches have attended in the first three years of the MBCA Clinic held over two days in mid-October

·  Speakers have included:  Norm Stewart, Bill Self, Bobby Hurley Sr., Cheryl Burnett, Rick Majerus, Bruce Weber, Chris Lowry & Shimmy Gray-Miller

·  College teams having practiced in front of our clinicians include:  University of Missouri men and women, University of Central Missouri men and women, Drury University men, William Jewell men, College of the Ozaark men and woment and Columbia College men and women

·  A well-stocked vendor area

·  “Late Night” with Norm Stewart and Jon Sundvold having presided over the social time

·  Two meals provided to all clinicians

·  T-shirt for each clinician

·  Sponsorship opportunities at a variety of monetary levels



·  A comprehensive quarterly online newsletter—“The Hard Court Herald”

· Articles covering every aspect of the coaching experience by multiple current and former coaches

· Q & A articles with the headliners in our business

·  Plays

·  Suggested Readings

·  Recommended coaching web-sites

·  All forms needed to nominate players and coaches for awards


·  A voice for coaches in the state of Missouri

·  Annual meetings with the Missouri State High School Activities Association leadership

·  Membership in the National High School Basketball Coaches Directors (NHSBCD)



·  A comprehensive association web site  www.mobca.org