Mission of the MBCA

"To Promote Basketball in the State of Missouri"


What’s in it for me?

ü  You’ll be a part of a group larger than yourself, your program,

your school, your conference or your district


ü  A vast wealth of knowledge, experience and ideas just waiting

to be tapped


ü  A chance to share ideas and be a mentor to other coaches

In addition to learning from others


ü  The opportunity each fall to be a part of one of the nation’s

largest and fastest-growing clinics


ü  Choice of submitting dues by P.O., mail or online for

membership, clinic or our traditional, money-saving

membership/clinic combo (online payment new in 2011)



ü  Sponsorship of great events for our state

ü  Norm Stewart Classic @ Columbia College

ü  Gary Filbert Classic @ Mexico High (new in 2011)

ü  Missouri Challenge All-Star Showcase @ Drury University

ü  MBCA Academic All-State Mr & Miss Show-Me

Basketball Banquet @ Drury University


ü  Automatic membership in the NHSBCA (National High School

Basketball Coaches Association @ www.nhsbca.org

(new in 2011)


ü  The many opportunities to honor our players

ü  Mr & Miss Show-Me Basketball

ü  Players-of-the-Year in each class (new for 2012)

ü  All-State squads

ü  Academic All-State squads

ü  Curtis Kerr Student-Assistant of the Year

ü  All-District squads


ü  The many opportunities to honor our peers

ü  MBCA Coaches Hall of Fame

ü  Century Club (honoring coaches each year who attain

career win 100, 200, 300, etc)

ü  Class level Coach of the Year

ü  Cub Martin Assistant Coach of the Year

ü  District level Coach of the Year

ü  Eligibility for the NHSBCA Coach of the Year Award


ü  Your voice via MBCA member seated on the MSHSAA

Basketball Advisory Committee (new in 2012)


ü  “The Hard Court Herald”  The country’s most comprehensive

coaching association-sponsored newsletter


ü  Most of all…it’s about PROMOTING BASKETBALL IN


CLICK HERE to join the MBCA today